Friday, January 16, 2009

My Sister

Sisters are like different flowers from the same garden..
we share the scents and smells of a common childhood together, share childhood memories, share the same family roots.. the same parentage. We are maybe even just a couple nuts off the same family tree! I have 4 sisters and I am in the middle.. of 2 older and 2 younger. I think what ever one of my sisters does, we will always love each other, and the connection to each other will be there till we die. My only brother died of cancer way too early in his life, his 5 sisters loved him dearly and would have forgave him of anything, and we still miss him dearly. Our brothers and sisters are with us from the day we are born the beginning of our personal stories, through all of the ups and downs..thru life's lessons.. untill the end. They resemble us.. just enough to make their differences confusing. Our relationships outlast most marriages and can resurface after huge quarrels that would sink most friendships. Our siblings can push buttons that cast us in roles we felt sure we had let go of long ago. It doesn't matter how much time has elapsed or how far in life we've come or gone ..our siblings can flourish in a thousand incarnations of either closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty or ...even distrust. I agree with the famous Maya Angelou in saying " accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers, it makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage......sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at." I've found that one of the neatest things I've discovered is the realization that you can share your sister and still have plenty for yourself. Sisters need to be around in good times as well as when times are rough. In good times, sisters are wanted to be there to share in the experience, but those rough times..they are sooo needed to be there for their support. I love the thought of sisters standing shoulder to the face of any troubled time, who could stand a chance against that family? Sisterhood is so powerful. I have a sister that is a blessing for her support.

The baby of our family, Trudy, is one such sister. Her consideration, her kindness and her determination is truly a Godsend. She has a consistent generous nature about her, esp. when it comes to our 80 year old mother.
She and her husband, Lee, jumped right in when our Mother was in need and has given our Mom a nice, secure home to live in, without bitterness, with a mature attitude and with loving hearts; and for that alone.. I'm am very thankful to them.

I hear your exhuberence in your great laugh. I remember when you were a little girl you were full of "it" and Mom would say, "Don't break her spirit!" You have such a healthy attitude! It has become so apparent with our Mom. She has changed, she has a happier view on life now. Also, your attempts at keeping family feuds peaceful don't go unnoticed.
Well, you are a gift to my heart and a friend to my spirit. Your constant consideration for Mike's health is so gratefully appreciated, as are your prayers. No one can know how much it means to him and to me. There is no better friend than a sister who understands and is there for you when you cry.
I am sorry you are losing your beloved pet, Hazel, today. The time you've put into caring for her only to have to put her to sleep takes alot of love and strength, as I do know how hard it can be. If, as you say, I am an example to anyone one.. as a person of strength, I want you to know, my baby sister (and I say this with tears) are the example of sympathy, graciousness, affection, support, and what loving family should be. Trudy, you are a wonderful sister. Thankyou for being you.. sister to sister, we will always be. I love you.


Nancy said...

I remember a conversation with her several years ago when I reminded her of the importance of "stepping up to the plate." She has certainly done that. I am proud of your little sister, too.

Dreamer said...

I miss and love you all :(

Trudy said...

I feel humbled and honored by your kind, sweet and caring words. You made me cry again. I want to thank you for being the remarkably kind and caring person that you are. We have become so close and I cherish that. You are always there for mom and me and anyone who needs you. You big sister are truly a gift.
I love you,